Mercedes-Benz Companion Smartwatch App
Released in the fall of 2015, the Mercedes-Benz Companion App syncs with the navigation system in C-Class and S-Class vehicles, provided a door-to-door navigation experience. Later versions of the app are also expected to provide information on fuel level, range, and odometer readings. So, basically, if you're intent on never having to manually check any of the important information in your vehicle, this app will be perfect for you and your smartwatch.
Price: Free in the App Store
MyFord Smartwatch App
Anticipating a rise in popularity of smartwatches, Ford released a custom-made app in 2015 that allows rivers of Ford's Electric Vehicles to check for battery life, gather information on the driving range that's available before their next charge, and unlock their car doors. The app furthers the push allowing interconnected technology to be controlled remotely, something everyone can get excited about.
Price: Free in the App Store
MINI Augmented Vision
Not to be outdone by the Google Glass, BMW revealed its own augmented reality concept in April 2015, MINI Augmented Vision. Designed for integration with MINI automobiles, the Augmented Vision glasses fulfill many of the same functions as a smartphone without having to take your eyes off the road, including features like turn-by-turn navigation, speed tracking, and "x-ray" vision, which allows you to see through the body of the Mini car and ostensibly remove blind spots. Because it's still in the early stages of development, there's not yet a timetable on when the glasses will be available for retail.
Price: Not determined; still in development
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